
Australian Ectodermal Dysplasia Support Group


Mission &



  • ozED will advocate with professionals on members behalf requiring support.
  • ozED will provide support and referral advice to all persons and families that are diagnosed with Ectodermal Dysplasia.
  • ozED will provide advice and information to health care professionals to assist in provision of quality care being provided to people and families affected by Ectodermal Dysplasia.
  • ozED will not categorise or prioritise any forms of Ectodermal Dysplasia and recognise all of the Ectodermal Dysplasia as equal.
  • ozED will conduct its business, including fundraising, political lobbying and international liaisons in the highest professional manner.


To embrace and empower a nurturing Ectodermal Dysplasia community through advocacy, support and connection.

In the past we have advocated in the following areas:

    • Centrelink
    • NDIS
    • Various states air conditioning
    • Dental departments
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